Tropical Storm Warnings Louisiana Coast To Florida Cristobal Strengthens in South Central Gulf of Mexico LOCATION…21.4N 89.7W ABOUT 535 MI…860

Tropical Storm Warnings Louisiana Coast To Florida Cristobal Strengthens in South Central Gulf of Mexico LOCATION…21.4N 89.7W ABOUT 535 MI…860
Cristobal Stuck Inland in Mexico Will Move Northward Friday Strengthen Saturday LOCATION…17.5N 90.8W ABOUT 165 MI…270 KM S OF CAMPECHE
Tropical Storm Cristobal On The Coast Will Head Northward Toward Gulf Coast Late Weekend LOCATION…18.3N 91.8W ABOUT 20 MI…35 KM
Disturbed Weather East of Florida Watching for Signs of Development Recent satellite pictures of the disturbed weather just east of