Viking Oven Like December in Blow Torch Pattern Long Range
I mention the viking oven because some day I will actually get one. Atmospherically however it is an oven like pattern. The month continues in blowtorch mode. The atmosphere in the east is on the far end of the extreme when it comes to temperatures and it is only going to get even more extreme over the next few weeks with temperatures likely approaching 25 to 30 degrees above normal. This above normal temperature area will extend all they way up into northeastern Canada. My latest video analysis of the long range.
Now there will be a minor interruption of the above normal temperatures next weekend and the viking oven will cool off where we may actually have a day with near normal temperatures. In New York City over the last 43 days only 6 have been below normal and we have been above normal 13 days in a row. 12 days of the last 43 have been above normal by double digits! The warm spell has been amazing and unrelenting; almost as unrelenting as last winter’s cold from late January into late March. Such is the way the atmosphere balances…2 extremes averaged out work out to normal!
Since the video covers the GFS I thought I’d show the European weather forecast model here and it is amazing how the model has locked into this idea of ridge in the east trough in the west. In fact it goes into super ridge mode like the GFS weather forecast model. I can’t remember the last time I ever saw a ridge this strong in December. I used to be good at remembering these things but the hard drive that is my brain is full and I can’t seem to recall ever seeing a high like this. I’m sure it has happened but if it has , it has probably been a long time since it appeared in a winter month in the east.
I don’t know what more to say regarding the pattern we are in. For winter weather lovers December is done. For ski resorts in the northeast, they will be on life support this Christmas with no snow on the ground anywhere in the northeast except maybe at the highest mountains in Northern Maine. If you are a skier you have got to go west.